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Location: Tacoma, Washington, United States

I am happily married to my wife for, lo, these 30 years. I am a Reformed Christian and member of Evangelical Reformed Church in Tacoma. I am also a member of Local 46 of the IBEW. Links:: My Church For inspirational scientific thinking, I recommend taking a look at the writings of George Boole and Claude Shannon. These gentlemen fall into my top twenty favorites with Michael Faraday, Johannes Kepler, Leibniz, Newton, etc. leading the group. Other Heroes of mine: George Washington Carver, David Livingston, William Wilberforce, George Washington, and mathematicians/scientists--Blaise Pascal, Al-Kwarizme, Charles Babbage (with Ada Lovelace), Aryabhata, Pierre de Fermat, Leonhard Euler, Nikola Tesla, Enrico Fermi, Leo Szilard, Edward Teller, etc.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Evidence of the Two Party System's Collusion Against Personal Freedom.

STEPHENSON: Hi, I'm Mark Stephenson, with the Democratic staff for the Government
Reform Committee. I've worked on census issues, off and on, for a number of years. I, too, would
like to welcome you and thank Brookings and welcome all of our presenters. I'm sure they'll do an
ace job.
The census, in the past, as some of you old-timers might remember, that back in 2000 there
was some partisan wrangling over how the census was going to be conducted. I would just like to
assure everyone here that that is not the case for the ACS. The ACS enjoys broad support,
bipartisan support among Democrats and Republicans.
I think they agree that the data that it will
provide is crucial for the Congress to do its job, and it's absolutely vital for business.
So with that, I think I'll just leave it to our presenters.
Thank you.